16th National Finals of the Catholic Minor League League

16th National Finals of the Catholic Minor League League

15. June 2019.

Varaždin’s diocese will host the XVIth national finale of the Catholic Minor League, which will be held from 13th to 16th June 2019 in Čakovec, Ivanec, Ludbreg, Koprivnica and Varaždin.

Final matches will take place in the Arena Varaždin on June 15th

  • • Quarterfinals at 10 am
  • • Semifinals at 16 pm
  • • Match for the third place at 6 pm
  • • final at 20 pm

In the bishopric will be the guest of 14 teams from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.  During the closing ceremony, guests will participate in the festive opening and closing of the meeting, in mutual competition, will acquaint the diocese and spiritually enrich themselves. The organizers of this event are the HBK Youth Office and the Youth Pastoral Commission of the Varaždin Diocese. Our bishopric will be represented by two teams: the first team from the Molve  and the second team from the Vratišinec.